
Showing posts from 2011

Gorillas And Vacuums...Not Such A Smart Moment.

In the town I live in there's a cleaning supplies shop and that shop used to have a gorilla in front of it to advertise vacuums. To this day I've always wondered "What does a gorilla have to do with vacuuming? It seems like sort of an odd gimmick." Seriously, If anyone understands this please explain it to me. Well about a year ago, me and my sister's boyfriend got onto the topic of that shop and it's mechanical vacuum gorilla. I said that it bothered me and it was a stupid way to advertise because gorillas have no way to vacuum nor are they related in any way. He then told me that I was stupid and gorillas totally invented vacuuming. Vacuums came from what gorillas did to clean the caves they lived in. Now I'm not usually gullible so I found it hard to believe. I mean gorillas invented the vacuum? He spent about 20 minutes getting into the details of it and I, stupidly, thought he was telling the truth. I then spent about an hour looking online...

Story =D

I recently found an old writing journal and thought "Why don't I share some of my writing on my blog?" So what I'll do is with every story I'll start it with the topic and then follow up with the story itself. " A preteen scientific genius invents a device that allows him to control the minds of adults" ' How did I get this to work? I wonder how I can use it. I stare at the device in my hands, turning it over. My parents stood completely still in front of me. Completely under my control. "Dance," I ordered. To my surprise, they did. I can have whatever I want! With this device I'll never be in trouble! "Get me a cookie," I ordered confidently. Away they went, giving me what I want. Brilliant. I can be an eleven year old king if I want! I have to test this with other people. Start small then get bigger, better things, I have to remember that. Running, I finally reach the corner store and, device in hand, order that I get fr...

Taxi's And Failures And Crashes, Oh My!

I love adventure filled weekends, they're probably the most fun. Two weeks ago I happened to have the most insanely stressful, stupidly hilarious, perfect example of Murphy's law weekend. It was literally a weekend of everything going wrong all at once. My grandparents were on vacation and asked me if I could stay at their house to watch their cat. The night was relatively good and I went to bed early. At around 3am I woke up and, unable to sleep, tried to check facebook on my phone. Here started the wave of badluck. Nothing would load and messages wouldn't send. I stared at my phone in disbelief at the fact that it had been disconnected at the worst possible time. But, I brushed that off as more a minor inconvenience instead of the big problem it ended up being. Friday I woke up with hope that I dreamed the whole thing up but as luck would have it I didn't. And then it hit me, it was a Friday. Friday is the one day a week where having a phone is actually a necess...


Halloween is on it's way in a few weeks and even though I'm to old to really enjoy the good old fashion trick or treating I'm excited. As far as holidays go, I think most are overrated excuses to spend money on nothing really worth spending it on but something about Halloween seems much more worth it.  Granted, Halloween does seem like another day to spend unnecessary amounts of money. However, Halloween holds a slightly magical quality. For one day every year children are granted access into their most fantastic of dreams to dress up as whatever they want to be. Your worries are left behind as you hunt through stores for the perfect costume and houses that give out the best candy. Besides candy and costumes you get to be as scared as humanly possible. Haunted houses open up, cheesy Halloween specials play, the streets get filled with decorations, and for once being afraid isn't frowned upon. I am a huge chicken, I honestly can't even watch a trailer or a sc...

I Porkchop Minecraft

So lately my complete and total geekiness has surfaced in what I spend my free time doing, I have been playing minecraft like crazy. For those who don't know minecraft is a really fun game where you can build anything, mine for basic supplies, fight monsters, and just generally play the typical game of survival but with one thing that sets it apart, everything is made of cubes. Even the sun is a square. So after some particularly boring days through the year I decided to build a bunch of random things in Minecraft. I can't explain what made me want to build half of the things I have but for some reason I did decide to.  I think it started when boyfriend decided to make a series of magaman sprites in Minecraft that led to me deciding to make my two pac-man ghost houses.   The red ghost was made first and took about three days to make. After the red ghost was done I was inspired to make the blue one. Needless to say, they are both unne...

Nightmare House 2 (Contains Spoilers)

Okay so I've always been a wimp when it comes to horror games, movies, books, etc and try to avoid them as much as possible. A little while ago boyfriend decided to play Nightmare House 2 and I decided to tease him for screaming and freaking out. Little did I know that would end in some pretty scary payback. For those of you who don't know, Nightmare House is a mod for Half life 2 and pretty damn scary if you ask me. Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth closed. That's a pretty important message I learned. While I was watching boyfriend play it I thought "This is kind of creepy...not all that terrifying just kinda creepy." and lightheartedly teased him.  His idea of payback was to make me try the game myself.  I put on my almighty brave warrior face and prepared to play something I decided would have no effect on me....I was wrong. Naturally, I lasted about a half hour before I was begging him to let me stop playing. I didn't even make through chapt...

Summer! Babysitting! Being Normal! Birthday! DDR!

I'm having a bit of a normal person moment and I'm not liking it to be honest. My nocturnalness is fading and my aversion to the sun is pretty much nonexistent.  Last week my dad's girlfriend posted a facebook status asking for a babysitter for her daughter and my mom happily accepted...for me. I like kids and need money so despite the fact that I find being  alone in someone else's house awkward, especially with a kid I don't know, I accepted.  I was picked up and told that it would be a relatively easy thing to do and I didn't need to follow her around or anything, as long as she's safe.  Day One was probably the worst. The girl I babysit is painfully shy. So we spent the whole day awkwardly smiling at eachother whenever we happened to cross paths. Thank goodness she had a friend over.  As the week progressed, I found myself having fun with her. We built a fort, went to the park, and spent an entire day watching t.v. Ten hour babysitting shifts...

All Nighters = Bad Idea

So last night I couldn't sleep and decided to just give up and stay up all night. It actually started off pretty fun, it was quiet and relaxing to just sit in the early morning sun and watch tv. However, it slowly grew tiring...literally. Wow...lame joke. At around 9am I decided to give up my all night adventure and go back to bed. Unlucky for me, it was like a million and one degrees in my room and the fan was doing nothing to fix that. So I ventured again to the living room and watched television until I hit my second wind and was awake enough to actually function. By 11 I decided that it was no longer relaxing and more lonely so I woke up the boyfriend and made him stay up with me. I learned somethings today. 1. I go from emotional extremes without at least 5 hours of sleep. I get either really mad or really happy. For example, boyfriend would make a simple lame joke and I'd laugh for five minutes. And when it came time for dinner I was extremely angry and yelled at bo...

30 Days Of Gaming Via Blog

Alright so I'm lazy, and I'm going to do the ever popular 30 days of gaming via my blog all in one go. This is easier as it requires one reaaallyyy long looking post and no chance of me forgetting to post everyday. So this is really "A list of 30 game type things made by me for your enjoyment" so, you know, enjoy! Day 1 - Very First Video Game Like A lot of 90's kids Super Mario World was proly my first   video game ever played  Day 2 - Favorite Character Vincent Valentine!  Day 3 - A Game That Is Underrated  Despite it's super craptastic reviews I actually adore this game. Day 4 - Your Guilty Pleasure Game Horrible in every possible aspect but I still play it Day 5 - Game Character You Feel Most Like (Or Wish You Were) Aigis Persona 3 This falls under "Wish I am", Who wouldn't want to be a robot with gun hands?! Day 6 - Most Annoying Character Ken Persona 3 - He seriously rubs me the wrong way. Stupid Ken.  Day 7 - Favo...

Ear Infections Suck. This Story Makes Them Suck Less.

Okay so summer sucks thus far. Don't worry, I'll get over it...I may have to, you know, explode first but that's all good. It's 4:30 and I have two ear infections thus I refuse to sleep. Hey, double the fun right? At least I can attempt to find humor in my misery. I even decided to write a pleasant story to feel slightly okay, even bad, for the painful infection threatening to drive me to insanity. Here's my Story: Once upon a time there was a colony of little white monsters that needed a place to stay. After searching for what felt like forever they found a nice little cave to cozy up in. I'm A Bad Computer Drawer But This Is My Half Hearted Attempt At Illustrating The White Monster  Trouble hit when the white monsters found no food in the cave! They decided that, having nothing better to eat, they would eat the cave walls for some attempt at nutrition. What the little monsters didn't know was that the cave walls were actually a part of someone!  ...


Okay so I haven't written anything that's really present time based in awhile so here it is. Yay! It's 3:34am and I'm kinda sleepy but sleeping is rather boring so I'm sitting on the couch in a half coma watching youtube videos and slowly turning into mush. Yes! Awesomesauce. I have laryngitis (i think). I can't talk properly and I sound a little bit like a some weird super sonic manly goose type thinger. I originally blamed boyfriend for his cold but then we realized that I have something completely different. So I've graduated and I've applied for jobs (yay) and then I decided "Real clothes? Ha! I scoff at you" so I have been in my pjs for about a week. Not the same ones. That would smell horrible and quite frankly I'd sooner explode then wear the same clothes for that long. So I've been like epically annoyed lately and not in the mood to really have anyone near me. No, it's not pms. I hate when people assume that so yes I b...


On February 17, 2010, my boyfriend and I went to go see the short track speed skating finals. It was unforgettable to say the least. At 10am my boyfriend and his dad came to pick me up to go to the train station to get to Vancouver. Once we got there the excitement started to build. Having never being on a train, I was terrified. I happen to have an irrational fear of things on tracks (Trains and roller coasters). We happily went to our seats and I stared out the window in awe as the unfamiliar scenery went by. We arrived in Vancouver around noon and stared blankly at the station before asking each other "Where do we go from here?" We wandered aimlessly for about a 20 minutes before calling my mom to ask where we were supposed to catch our bus from. We explained that we were somewhere on East Hastings and had no idea where the bus stop was. My mom was less than impressed with our location and by that point was having a panic attack. (For those of you who don't know, E...

I'm Grown Up. Officially O.O

When we're little all we want is to go to school. On the very first day there's this euphoric happiness as we hang our coats on or hooks and find that one friend to spend the rest of forever with. We never want to leave school and think to ourselves "Hey, this is cool!" By grade 5, all we want is to be done school. Now crushes factor in along with drama and homework. We long for the day that we can cross the stage to freedom. This new found desire to grow up gets bigger and bigger until we finally feel like we'll explode if we don't get out now.  When you reach grade 12 you look around at your friends, classmates, and teachers and think "I may never see them again! Let's make this year count!" and suddenly that pent up desire to leave is replaced by the same desire to never leave again. I just crossed the stage to freedom and it was scary. You carefully move up the steps, shake a billion hands, have your hat tassel moved to the right side,...

Bunnies Are Masterminds That Confuse Me To No End.

Okay so bunnies are probably the only animal to give me a headache from trying to understand them. I got home from school today and instantly checked, like I always do, if Pepper was out of her cage. She was. I glanced at her cage and noticed the door was closed leading me to wonder "Why would mom let her out but close the cage?" But I didn't think to hard on it. After a particularly unfun dinner I went to put her away. This is where things get confusing. Pepper has been sick with and ear infection and not able to walk very well, she falls over often. She's been slowly recovering though. I didn't bother questioning mom on her confusing method of freeing the bunny from the confides of her little metal haven. I put on my shoes and walked outside expecting to see the normal set up. However, what I saw was that the right side of her cage had been opened by her thus setting her free without the assistance of my mother or uncle. I am now convinced that bunnies a...

Dear Hockey Fans.

Okay, as I have stated previously, I am in no way a hockey fan. I couldn't care less whether we win or lose. Well tonight it was no secret who won game 7 of the NHL. To all those who don't know, a riot broke out in downtown Vancouver due to the canucks loss. Fires have been started, windows are being broken, port-a-potties are being tipped over, police are being hit, fights are breaking's insanity. Watching the live feed sends shivers down my spine. This picture couldn't be more right.  The sight of downtown is nightmare inducing. It really makes me wonder, what ever happened to being a good sport? Come on people, it's a game. They tried, they failed. Get over it. This is insane. I would say blame it on the alcohol but I honestly think half these people don't understand that this is, in fact, just a game.  To all you fans who aren't in Vancouver adding to the chaos, good on you. No seriously, congratulations. To all you people destroying thi...

Stream of Consciousness Requested By My Boyfriend

Why do people let me have caffeine at 1 in the morning? Bad people! So I decided that writing a stream of consciousness when I'm hyper. Seems like a good idea. So here it is. Enjoy! Prom. Tomorrow. Holy crap. Why am I so old? I want a blanket fort. Those are fun! Can I be five? I miss sandboxes! They make awesome sand pies! No not mud pies, sand pies. Made of wet sand. Like mud pies...but you know...sandier... Is sand even eatable? Or would it make you sick?  I should test this theory! Unless it will like kill me...then not so much. Why do walruses have mustaches when I don't? WHY AREN'T DREAMS REAL? Do you know how sad it is to dream of having a pink sparkly mustache and then waking up without one is?! It's very sad! Yes I'm aware that I'm a girl and if I had a mustache, even a pink one, it would be strange. Why did the word pickle just pop into my head? Snap crackle pop! Mmmm cereal. That makes me want breakfast. This is really just me questioning thin...


I feel so old! Prom is only two days away, the last day of school is only eight. I'm rapidly approaching adulthood and to be honest I'm terrified! I'm to young to be old! My prom dress! ^^ Isn't it pretty? I'm excited to be done high school. I mean no more 6 am bus rides to sit in a classroom learning about  subjects I don't care about. It's exciting. The one downside to being a grad? We constantly get approached and asked "In 30 seconds or less, what do you plan to do with your life?" Okay fine, I'm being dramatic. That's not far from the truth however. The people asking those questions don't accept I don't know as an answer. Well to all you curious readers here is my answer. I want to move to England, I want to study English, I want to be an author, I want to learn as many useless facts as I possibly can, I want to travel, build blanket forts, go on road trips, take so many pictures I run out of computer space, paint, writ...

Not My Finer Moments.

You know what I love? Those moments where you say or do something so unbelievably stupid that people actually take a second to comprehend how someone could function with that little thought. Those moments have happened to everyone, let's be honest. I have had more than one moment like that. These two examples really stick out. When I was nine I had this brilliant idea, well brilliant to me anyway. My sister had just gotten a pair of roller blades and I thought "Why don't I use them?" Well seeing as I am clumsy to an almost shocking degree at times and had never been on roller blades my best friend strongly encouraged me against doing something this dangerous. Being stubborn I Ignored her advice and suited up. I slowly got to my feet and clumsily skated around the hallway to the kitchen and back again. I was gaining speed and balance so I let go of my balancing walls and skated freely. I felt magical. Like I was free. My moms boyfriend thought it would be fun t...

Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

In writing class we were told to write a journal entry based on a song that evoked some sort of feeling in you along with why it does. I thought "why not post it here?" The song that makes me feel most is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". I'm sure most people have heard it at some point in their lives but in case you haven't here's a link : For a few years now that song has made me cry. Not only is it a beautiful and charming song but it's also a song with a sad memory attached. I'll spare the details of it but basically my step grandpa had just died and I didn't stop crying at all for the whole day. I was locked away in my room holding a teddy bear he gave me when my stepdad came home and knocked the door. He gently led me to his room where he sat me on his lap, hugged my tightly and played this song. He told me that's where grandpa was. He was safe. I sat in his lap crying softly, letting ...

Harry Potter

I was 7 when I read the first Harry Potter book. To this day I read the books over and over. I know stupid amounts of useless facts regarding characters and have, at times, immersed myself completely in the story. When I was little I found him to be the coolest person ever and often tried to be him. Me and my bestfriend would pretend to be Harry Potter characters. We played these games in the hall closet, what better place to be Harry than a confined and cramped closet. Any parent of normal children probably would have instantly objected to such a location but my mom had accepted that I was odd. I went as far as to sleep in a laundry basket to be in a small space as Harry was, pretending I was in the cupboard under the stairs. I remember the first night I did that. Mom was getting home with her boyfriend and me and my sister were in our room "fast asleep". They were arguing and came to check in on us upon seeing me, shut up and stared wide eyed at me laying there. My be...