I'm Grown Up. Officially O.O

When we're little all we want is to go to school. On the very first day there's this euphoric happiness as we hang our coats on or hooks and find that one friend to spend the rest of forever with. We never want to leave school and think to ourselves "Hey, this is cool!"

By grade 5, all we want is to be done school. Now crushes factor in along with drama and homework. We long for the day that we can cross the stage to freedom. This new found desire to grow up gets bigger and bigger until we finally feel like we'll explode if we don't get out now. 

When you reach grade 12 you look around at your friends, classmates, and teachers and think "I may never see them again! Let's make this year count!" and suddenly that pent up desire to leave is replaced by the same desire to never leave again.

I just crossed the stage to freedom and it was scary. You carefully move up the steps, shake a billion hands, have your hat tassel moved to the right side, and grab your diploma, smiling the whole way. In your head you think "Don't fall. Don't fall. How do I breathe? What if no one cheers for me? Do I look fat? What if i'm not actually grading? What if my name isn't called? Breathe. Step. Shake hand. Breathe. Step. Shake hand. It's almost over." And then you link arms with the random student and go back to your seat.

It's nerve racking. It's scary. I personally will miss the friends I've made the past four years. It will take some getting used to to not have to take the same 7:30 bus to school, never needing to ask "What's the block order? 1234? Cool!" No more drama. No more highschool! What will I do in the future?

Grad is exciting, then scary, then exciting, then scary. It's a rollarcoster of emotions and the best feeling ever. Walking the stage is terrifying but amazing. I'm free!

I may still be convinced im too young to be old but like it or not I graduated.

Congratulations to all my fellow grads of 2011. See you in 10 years!


  1. Doesn't it feel like a dream? My grad felt like a dream to me. And really, you can still keep sontact with those people you liked. I still talk to Kiland.

  2. Unfortunately, I have to burst your bubble in one regard.
    The drama still continues.
    But it's not like it rules every aspect, like it seemed to do in high school.

  3. It does feel like a dream! I feel all old. Wanna build blanket forts with me?


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