Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

In writing class we were told to write a journal entry based on a song that evoked some sort of feeling in you along with why it does. I thought "why not post it here?"

The song that makes me feel most is "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". I'm sure most people have heard it at some point in their lives but in case you haven't here's a link :

For a few years now that song has made me cry. Not only is it a beautiful and charming song but it's also a song with a sad memory attached.

I'll spare the details of it but basically my step grandpa had just died and I didn't stop crying at all for the whole day. I was locked away in my room holding a teddy bear he gave me when my stepdad came home and knocked the door. He gently led me to his room where he sat me on his lap, hugged my tightly and played this song. He told me that's where grandpa was. He was safe. I sat in his lap crying softly, letting the music completely absorb me.

At the funeral I kept telling myself not to cry but all I could think of was this song.

It's been four years and that song still holds a powerful grip on my heart. It's a happy song and it brings me hope. Along with the memory of my grandpa it brings a feeling of love. In that one moment I knew that everything was going to be okay.

After all, rainbow signify the end of a storm.

So I pose this question, Which songs make you feel? ^^


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