Taxi's And Failures And Crashes, Oh My!

I love adventure filled weekends, they're probably the most fun. Two weeks ago I happened to have the most insanely stressful, stupidly hilarious, perfect example of Murphy's law weekend. It was literally a weekend of everything going wrong all at once.

My grandparents were on vacation and asked me if I could stay at their house to watch their cat. The night was relatively good and I went to bed early. At around 3am I woke up and, unable to sleep, tried to check facebook on my phone.

Here started the wave of badluck. Nothing would load and messages wouldn't send. I stared at my phone in disbelief at the fact that it had been disconnected at the worst possible time. But, I brushed that off as more a minor inconvenience instead of the big problem it ended up being.

Friday I woke up with hope that I dreamed the whole thing up but as luck would have it I didn't. And then it hit me, it was a Friday. Friday is the one day a week where having a phone is actually a necessity instead of just a trivial want to indulge my need for a social life. I babysit Friday's in a house with no phone and no way to really contact anyone if anything just so happens to go wrong.

So boyfriend came by, mom called the phone company and paid the bill, and Rogers said no to reconnecting the phone. I hit a full on panic attack and enlisted the help of boyfriend. He had a working phone, I like the help when babysitting, win win.

Babysitting ran somewhat smoothly, minus the smoke alarm being set off.

And finally, the grand finale of everything going wrong. Sunday we took a taxi up to boyfriends mom's house to see Pepper and such. The taxi driver was awkwardly personal and had no boundaries on what was appropriate conversation to have with people that are paying you to drive them. It started with "How old are you guys?" and ended with a bunch of remarks about sex. That's right, sex. Not just simple comments, no I'm talking full on personal sex comments that were rude and really uncalled for.

He went as fair as to say that the only reason we'd go to see boyfriends mom was to have sex. I left the taxi feeling uncomfortable and wondering what kind of person sees that as an appropriate way to make conversation, classy.

Finally we arrived at boyfriends mom's and I eagerly turned on my laptop in an attempt to take a breather from the stress of the past few days. Well my laptop decided to greet me with a lovely shade of blue on the screen. After an almost all nighter of trying everything that we could think of to fix it, we gave up. After much pent up stress we realized it was the hard drive. So 60$ later I got a new hard drive and it was working! Hallelujah! But why would the bad streak end there? After installing around 20 wireless programs and crying for about an hour, we fixed it.

Luck did pick up, my new hard drive was double the size of my old one, my phone was back up, the kids were harm free, I call that a success.

Now you may think this post was a way to complain about the way my weekend went. It's not. After thinking about it, I realized there is humor in it. In a weird way it shows how much people rely on technology to survive through everyday life. I'm anti-technology most of the time but when faced with that situation suddenly being without it was like being sent to the fiery pits of oblivion.

Now a moment of silence for my old hard drive Dumbledrive, rest in peace little buddy.


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