Bunnies Are Masterminds That Confuse Me To No End.

Okay so bunnies are probably the only animal to give me a headache from trying to understand them.

I got home from school today and instantly checked, like I always do, if Pepper was out of her cage. She was. I glanced at her cage and noticed the door was closed leading me to wonder "Why would mom let her out but close the cage?" But I didn't think to hard on it.

After a particularly unfun dinner I went to put her away. This is where things get confusing. Pepper has been sick with and ear infection and not able to walk very well, she falls over often. She's been slowly recovering though.

I didn't bother questioning mom on her confusing method of freeing the bunny from the confides of her little metal haven. I put on my shoes and walked outside expecting to see the normal set up. However, what I saw was that the right side of her cage had been opened by her thus setting her free without the assistance of my mother or uncle.

I am now convinced that bunnies are masterminds that make little to no sense.

Oh my goodness she did it again >:. Stupid little bunny!


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