Harry Potter

I was 7 when I read the first Harry Potter book. To this day I read the books over and over. I know stupid amounts of useless facts regarding characters and have, at times, immersed myself completely in the story.

When I was little I found him to be the coolest person ever and often tried to be him. Me and my bestfriend would pretend to be Harry Potter characters. We played these games in the hall closet, what better place to be Harry than a confined and cramped closet. Any parent of normal children probably would have instantly objected to such a location but my mom had accepted that I was odd.

I went as far as to sleep in a laundry basket to be in a small space as Harry was, pretending I was in the cupboard under the stairs. I remember the first night I did that. Mom was getting home with her boyfriend and me and my sister were in our room "fast asleep". They were arguing and came to check in on us upon seeing me, shut up and stared wide eyed at me laying there.

My bestfriend and I would even swing around sticks as makeshift wands casting spells at eachother in over dramatic little kid ways. Though our attempts at using lumos to turn on lights never worked, it never stopped our overactive imaginations from picturing it all working as we wished.

Whenever I was upset I'd simply picture myself there studying magic, casting spells, being brave in the face of all dangers. Harry Potter helped me use my imagination in a way I never have before. Even though I no longer dance around casting spells, I still hold that part of my life close. Nothing more fun than being a carefree 7 year old awaiting acceptance into Hogwarts right?


  1. I miss when we'd roleplay, let's do that again!

  2. I miss it too! Yes lets. I figured this post would bring back memories for you. I miss that little closet! XD

  3. Totally! Except I didn't like how we'd accidentally hurt ourselves on the junk in there.

  4. Oh I know! My thumb got slammed in the closet door and I cut my hand on broken glass. Totally child safe!


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