30 Days Of Gaming Via Blog

Alright so I'm lazy, and I'm going to do the ever popular 30 days of gaming via my blog all in one go. This is easier as it requires one reaaallyyy long looking post and no chance of me forgetting to post everyday. So this is really "A list of 30 game type things made by me for your enjoyment" so, you know, enjoy!

Day 1 - Very First Video Game
Like A lot of 90's kids Super Mario World was proly my first  
video game ever played 
Day 2 - Favorite Character
Vincent Valentine! 
Day 3 - A Game That Is Underrated 
Despite it's super craptastic reviews I actually adore this game.
Day 4 - Your Guilty Pleasure Game
Horrible in every possible aspect but I still play it
Day 5 - Game Character You Feel Most Like (Or Wish You Were)
Aigis Persona 3 This falls under "Wish I am", Who wouldn't want to be a robot with gun hands?!
Day 6 - Most Annoying Character
Ken Persona 3 - He seriously rubs me the wrong way. Stupid Ken. 
Day 7 - Favorite Game Couple
Garnet And Zidane From Final Fantasy 9. They're so cute!! 
Day 8- Best Soundtrack
Legend Of Dragoon - The music is so pretty! 
Day 9 - Saddest Game Scene
Zack Fairs Death in Final Fantasy 7. T_T
Day 10 - Best Gameplay 
!! That Is All. 
Day 11 - Gaming System Of Choice 
I loves my PS2.
Day 12 - A Game Everyone Should Play
Seriously, everyone should play Cooking Mama. "Perfect Even Better Than Mama!"
Day 13 - A Game You've Played More Than 5 Times
I love and hate this game. It's fun, but I've played it a million times.
Day 14 - Current Or Most Recent Gaming Wallpaper
Day 15 - Post A Screenshot Of A Game You're Playing Right Now 
Persona 3 FES. 
Day 16 - Game With The Best Cut Scenes
Kingdom Hearts 2. Honestly my favorite game ever. 
Day 17 - Favorite Antagonist 
Organization XII, need I say more?
Day 18 - Favorite Protagonist 
Obsession? What Obsession?
Day 19 - Picture Of A Game Setting You Wished You Lived In
Harvest Moon! It's all calm and happy and cute! 
Day 20 - Favorite Genre 
Day 21 - Game With The Best Story 
Dragon Age Origins! It's so intense and interesting.
Day 22 - A Game Sequel That Disappointed You
Day 23 - Game Game You Think Has Best Graphics Or Art Style  
Persona 3. The Anime Cut Scenes Are Well Drawn And The In Game Graphics Are Equally As Good
Day 34 - Favorite Classic Game
Pong. Me and my grandpa used to play this all the time XD. 
Day 25 - A Game You Plan On Playing
Much to my dismay, I promised to play Amnesia. 
Day 26 - Best Voice Acting 
No complaints about the voice acting at all. It Was well chosen. 
Day 27 - Most Epic Scene Ever
Kingdom Hearts 1. It was kind of epic but also really cute. 
Day 28 - Favorite Game Developer 
Day 29 - A Game You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving 
I'm a baby and not so much of a fan of being scared but I adored this game. 
Day 30 - Your Favorite Game Of All Time
Well there it is ^^. Hope you enjoyed, that's harder than it looks. 


  1. 1: Persona 3 actually has really cheap animation for the anime cut scenes.

    2: Kingdom hearts isn't in itself an epic scene XD

  2. I still like the Persona 3 art. It's pretty ^^.

    Oops XD. I meant that scene XD. My bad. I'll fix it later.

  3. And I totally agree that Ken is a super annoying character. His voive was SO bad, and he was against my favorite character! He even got him killed! D=

  4. Stupid Ken with his stupid short shorts and ugly face. I wanna kick him XD.


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