
Halloween is on it's way in a few weeks and even though I'm to old to really enjoy the good old fashion trick or treating I'm excited. As far as holidays go, I think most are overrated excuses to spend money on nothing really worth spending it on but something about Halloween seems much more worth it.

 Granted, Halloween does seem like another day to spend unnecessary amounts of money. However, Halloween holds a slightly magical quality. For one day every year children are granted access into their most fantastic of dreams to dress up as whatever they want to be. Your worries are left behind as you hunt through stores for the perfect costume and houses that give out the best candy.

Besides candy and costumes you get to be as scared as humanly possible. Haunted houses open up, cheesy Halloween specials play, the streets get filled with decorations, and for once being afraid isn't frowned upon.

I am a huge chicken, I honestly can't even watch a trailer or a scary movie without getting to afraid to sleep. So that may pose the question "Why would you love Halloween so much?" To be honest, I love being scared as much as the average person and on Halloween I allow myself to give into temptation and watch the scary movies.

It has an overall creepy atmosphere and opens a world of possibilities for imagination and creativity. The very sight of a carved pumpkin builds my excitement for the one night a year where all the creepy things come to the surface and my problems are left behind in a cloud of scares, costumes, candies, and cheesy specials.

And I mean really, who doesn't like hearing The Monster Mash? And while I'm out of the Trick-Or-Treat phase myself, I can't wait to pass out candy =D.

Boyfriend says I'm the biggest "Halloween Nut" he's ever met, so it seems only natural that this early in October it would already be on my mind. Although it's early, I wish every a Happy Halloween!


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