Dear Hockey Fans.

Okay, as I have stated previously, I am in no way a hockey fan. I couldn't care less whether we win or lose. Well tonight it was no secret who won game 7 of the NHL. To all those who don't know, a riot broke out in downtown Vancouver due to the canucks loss.

Fires have been started, windows are being broken, port-a-potties are being tipped over, police are being hit, fights are breaking's insanity. Watching the live feed sends shivers down my spine.
This picture couldn't be more right. 

The sight of downtown is nightmare inducing. It really makes me wonder, what ever happened to being a good sport? Come on people, it's a game. They tried, they failed. Get over it. This is insane. I would say blame it on the alcohol but I honestly think half these people don't understand that this is, in fact, just a game. 

To all you fans who aren't in Vancouver adding to the chaos, good on you. No seriously, congratulations. To all you people destroying things, please calm down. Notice the world's still spinning? Notice people are still alive? Yes that's because the world will go on, despite what you think. 

I know I said before that I was impressed by the overwhelming support you fans have for your teams, but now I have never been more ashamed of all you rioters. This isn't support. You all think the canucks are proud of you? You think they appreciate this? No. I can almost promise this team you're so desperately fighting for wouldn't be proud. Were I them I would be ashamed of all of you.

I still am impressed by those fans that aren't out there fighting in the sickening riot. To all you fans who supported the canucks, watched the games, cheered at wins and were sad at losses but accepted that they did the best they could, thank you. 

To the rioters, please grow up. Thank you. 


  1. Oh my god! People are getting almost killed too! One man got stabbed in the neck, he's probably dead! The hospital is overloaded.

  2. This makes me feel all cold and sad. I am a pacifist, this is killing me inside. Why can't we be friends?

  3. Being a Canucks fan, this disgusts me... it's 1994 all over again...

  4. Im glad it disgusts you. All those "fans" out there are disgraceful.


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