All Nighters = Bad Idea

So last night I couldn't sleep and decided to just give up and stay up all night. It actually started off pretty fun, it was quiet and relaxing to just sit in the early morning sun and watch tv. However, it slowly grew tiring...literally. Wow...lame joke. At around 9am I decided to give up my all night adventure and go back to bed.

Unlucky for me, it was like a million and one degrees in my room and the fan was doing nothing to fix that. So I ventured again to the living room and watched television until I hit my second wind and was awake enough to actually function.

By 11 I decided that it was no longer relaxing and more lonely so I woke up the boyfriend and made him stay up with me. I learned somethings today.

1. I go from emotional extremes without at least 5 hours of sleep. I get either really mad or really happy. For example, boyfriend would make a simple lame joke and I'd laugh for five minutes. And when it came time for dinner I was extremely angry and yelled at boyfriend for pretty much existing. All he had to do was look at me and I'd yell ^^;.

2. I can actually function with no sleep. This is like a breakthrough! I should do this more often. I mean I don't miss anything and I can still function? Cool!

3. It's hard to act like I have gotten the proper amount of sleep when in a large group of people. I mean how would it look if I laughed hysterically during coffee with my family when all they said was "but"?

In any case it was a great adventure. I don't remember most of my day so I can't really say if I did much of anything but I can say that I am not tired...somehow.


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