
Showing posts from 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Two days until the apparent end of the world. Is everyone ready? No I don't believe it will end and three days from now I'll still be sitting at my computer writing posts for you guys. But why are so many people panicking about this? It's just the end of a calender. Not just any calender, a  circle  calender. For all we know they ran out of room. People don't panic everytime our calenders end so why the hysteria about an old one? Just relax, breathe, and enjoy your holidays.

Introducing, Non-mainstream Monday's.

Yes that's right, I'm writing the bible using hipster Jesus, every Monday starting in the near future will now be "Non-mainstream Monday". Put on your raybans and hold on tight. Coming soon to a blog near you, "The Hipster Chronicles".

The Twilight Rant

Okay, so this is going to be a relatively long post and one that is probably going to result in me being insulted to fucking hell but it needs to be said. This is not a traditional Twilight rant, I'm not just going to focus on why Twilight is  the worst thing to ever exist ever but also some other aspects of the widespread hatred for this series. Bear with me. Disclaimer: Twilight is my guilty pleasure. There I said it. I'm not a "twihard" or a huge fan but I did read the books a few times, I've seen the movies...a few times. I know it's bad, flawed, silly, whatever you want to call it. It isn't literary genius, it's mindless silly romance that I can't help but like.  So here it goes... Problem one I have is simply this, people get on Twilight's case for certain...aspects of the vampires but the thing is not all of these aspects were created by Stephanie Meyer. For example I recently saw a review that complained about the Twilight vamp...

The Raven

Happy Halloween everyone! In the spirit of Halloween I thought I'd give my opinion on a horrifying movie I recently saw. The Raven is a murder mystery movie set during Edgar Allan Poe's last days. A killer takes inspiration from his stories and starts murdering people as a means to make Poe write again. Poe quickly becomes involved in solving the murders, especially when his fiance is taken by the killer. The premise doesn't sound that great but I quite enjoyed it. I usually don't enjoy remotely creepy movies so the fact that I liked one this downright horrifying surprised me. It was really visually appealing and really good at getting the point across, the majority of the film was spent with me hiding under a pillow saying "don't look" over and over while boyfriend constantly commented in a way that made it so I may as well have been looking. The story was also interesting and I found myself getting absorbed in the mystery of it. The murders w...


I have decided the hipster god is Woody Allen They have a Jesus too It's Rick Moranis. I still have writers block. Sorry, will post real stuff soon (pffft like isn't real stuff...)

Writers Block

Writers block sucks, sorry to anyone that was hoping for the quality posts I promised, I'm fresh out of ideas. Mind is a blank empty wilderness of dead used writing ideas that cant be used again. Im really trying for quality but I've got nothing so here I am writing about how I have nothing to write.... So to make up for it... Squirrel playing a banjo There you go, I promise in the next few days, maybe tonight even, I will have better posts.

Computers Part 2.

After you manage to crash two computers in the span of a moth you really have to wonder what the problem is, the computers or you. I'm starting to think computers are afraid of me seeing as they seem to be all like "Oh you want me to work? No thanks kaythanksbye" Flapping annoying. Day two of reformatting and reinstalling and restarting andandand ugh. If I have to reformat again tonight I will rage quit. Just wanted to get that out. Back to regularly scheduled programming soon, I promise. 

15 Random Facts Because Why Not?

Yup, I'm going to give you all 15 random facts about me for no apparent reason, enjoy! 1. Puppets freak the shit out of me. 2. I adore Harvest Moon games but usually stop playing before I actually marry someone. 3. I don't like David Bowie music. I've tried so hard to like it...just can't. (I like the man himself....just not his music) 4. I have read The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe at least 15 times but have never read any of the sequels. 5. I have never seen a James Bond movie. 6. Talking animal movies make me really mad. 7. I am a sucker for romantic comedies. 8. I often wish my life was a musical. 9. I love pretty much everything that has to do with the UK....apparently I have a problem. 10. Harry Potter has been my favorite series since I was seven. 11. I actually don't mine the Twilight series, I don't  love  it, I just think it's decent. 12. Im pretty sure I could round house kick a small tree down. 13. My favorite color c...


It seems I have a certain cycle when it comes to computers. Without fail, everytime I have a computer I find myself in this same cycle. Step 1: Realize I spend almost every waking moment on this thing doing nothing important. Step 2: Open laptop, go on internet for five minutes, decide there's  nothing  to do on computers, proceed to turn it off and ignore it for the rest of the day. Convince myself that once this computer breaks I won't get a new one, after all I can never find anything to do on it anyway, right? Step 3: Computer breaks, initiate freak out mode "Whatdoido?! whatdoido?!". Proceed to get frustrated and preform major computer heart surgery, screwdriver stat! Step 4: Get computer fixed and start from step one. This happened this week, in fact. I had stupidly left my laptop on a bed and came back an hour later to find it completely frozen. I tried to reformat it...twice before realizing the harddrive failed...again. I got a new laptop, f...


If I have to listen to anymore One Direction I will kill myself. No more "You don't know your beautiful". Just no. Leave me alone One Direction. Seriously. (Okay fine I wont kill myself)

A Day In The Life Of A Worn Out Babysitter

Today started out as one of those days. The days where nothing seems to be going right and no matter what you can't seem to turn the tables in your favor. The day started at three in the bloody morning, the weather outside had been sunny and cloud free...and hot fucking hot, so when I saw an eerie flashing outside of boyfriend's window I immediately thought there was a stalker or ax murdering rapist out to get me right outside his house. I panicked a bit then thought to myself "Ally, it was probably headlights now woman up damnit!" I continued to try and sleep when I saw it again, a sudden flash...only this time it was followed by a demonic growling. Now if you're overtired at three in the morning and you see a flash followed by a growl you'd probably be afraid too...maybe not. In any case after about a half hour I figured out it was worse than a demon ax murdering was thunder and lightning! I mean what the fuck weather? Sort your shit ...


They're a fun thing aren't they? I live in an apartment on the second floor and happen to be sandwiched between two very noisy groups of people. Normally noise isn't a problem but when it is it is a  really  big problem. Let's start with the people downstairs. From my knowledge, based on sounds, downstairs is inhabited by a bear. Yes that's right, a giant bear. That's my best guess anyway. Let me elaborate, at random intervals in a day a loud roar can be heard from the apartment downstairs. I dont know exactly what the pet policy here is, but I can pretty safely say that bears aren't allowed as pets...maybe I'm wrong. That aside there a few other theories. Maybe a wild bear lives in the area and no one knows about it except the people downstairs because it sneaks into their apartment via a hole in the floor. Or their apartment is haunted by a ghost bear! In addition to bear noises, there is the occasionally a roar followed by a loud thump. My only ...

Phineas And Ferb Rant

I am a huge Disney fan. With the exception of a few movies, I love them. The catchy music, the timeless fairy tales, they're sheer brilliance. Why then am I ranting? Because this happened: Don't get me wrong, I love Phineas and Ferb. It's witty and brilliant and one of few good Disney shows out there. As far as kids shows go, I think this one is pretty stellar. However, the live show, from what I've seen, is full of horrifying costumes and just isn't something the world needs. I issue you a challenge, look into the eyes of the people without masks, just stare into their eyes, now I dare you to tell me that isn't unnecessarily creepy. For those who aren't aware, Phineas and Ferb is a show about child geniuses that build impossible things everyday and their pet platypus that fights his arch-nemesis. It's filled with witty humor and good music and it's now being tainted with...well that. Maybe I don't get it because I'm not a money c...

30 Days Of Movies Challenge Via Blog =3

I am a movie junkie, I love movies and watch them in my spare time often. When I found this challenge I figured why not? Here it is, 30 days of movies.  Day 1: The best movie you saw during the last year Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but this is honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen Day 2: Most underrated movie I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry....Honestly I love this movie. Day 3: A movie that makes you happy I can't help it! It's so happy and cheesy and  and and.... Day 4: A movie that makes you sad Snape's memories. That is all. Day 5: Favorite love story in a film This movie is unbelievably romantic and beautiful Day 6: Favorite made for tv movie I have no excuse for this one... Date 7: The most surprising plot twist or ending I can't say why without spoilers but I honestly didn't see it coming Day 8: A movie that you've seen countless times Through dangers untold ...

Epic Quest.

All last week was spent with me on an epic quest assigned by my grandmother, a hard quest full of dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, yes that's right I'm referring to cat sitting. Not just any cat, a spawn of everything evil in the world in a tiny cute little fuzzy cat body. This thing is vicious, blood thirsty, and clever. She knows how to play to people's weaknesses, she sucks you in and then  boom!  you're scratched into oblivion. Okay so I sound crazy, even as I write this I know how crazy I sound but that cat is pure evil. Before grandma left I was, naturally, apprehensive to be alone with the cat from hell. I have seen plenty of this cat's crazy behavior, enough to last ten lifetimes. So grandma told me that her cat liked me and the cat seemed to have warmed the eyes of my grandma anyway. The bed I sleep in there has bars on it and the cat likes to swat at you from between the bars, with her claws in, as a form of playing, however, while I ...

Unmotivated Laziness.

Let me start by saying this, for those of you out there that think I'm lucky for having nothing to do all day, I'm really not. You see I'm a person that relies on daily tasks to keep my brain functioning and without any reason to really even get up in the morning I turn into one giant mess of self-destruction. By this I mean that I slowly turn more and more unmotivated. My days go something like this: 11am- Wake up 12pm- Play on computer 5pm- Realize all I've done is played on my computer so start job hunting 5:30pm- Find no leads online for any work so give up 6pm- get food 7pm-12am- Play on computer 1am- Give up and sleep. It is the most unbelievably boring thing ever. Seriously imagine that for a few months. Before you go getting all "Apply for work" on me let me clear something up, there isn't anywhere hiring in town that doesn't yet have at least 2 resumes from me and the few that dont have resumes are the ones I can't work at due ...


Like a lot of people, I fear the dentist. I don't like to know what's wrong with my teeth or be told of the potential need of needles. Although, like most things involving me, my fear is extremely overdramatic. I will go to extreme lengths to make sure I don't have to go into the dentist. The other day, for example I had a dentist appointment the other day and argued with boyfriend about it. Boyfriend:  You are going to the dentist Me:  But they're evil. Boyfriend:  No, they exist to help you. Me:  Doesn't matter. I'm allergic to them. If I enter a dentist office I die Boyfriend:  *sighs* It's not like I don't know that they mean well, I mean they are  trying  to help but whether they actually do good or evil is subject to opinion. My fear wasn't that bad....until I played Psychonauts. For those who don't know, Psychonauts contains an evil dentist that makes children sneeze out their brains. I'm fond of my brain.  Well that and the ...

The Keanu Reeves Conspiracy.

Okay so im going to start this post with a request, if it's not to much trouble, can you click ads on my blog, it really helps! =3. Okay now back to the regular nonsense I post here! This will be a rather silly post. The other night I had a dream that Keanu Reeves told me my phone password...only it wasn't the right password. It was way off. But when I woke up in the morning I forgot the real password and only remembered that one. I tried about 15 times to make to unlock my phone and ended up in a panic because the only one that knew the password was boyfriend but he was in the shower and not online. After about an hour of stressed out crying and a panic attack, boyfriend signed into msn, rather confused, and told me the right password. This Picture made my day. Sara Made it for me when I told her this story =D.  After boyfriend told me my password his conversation followed: Me : If I ever meet him I'm demanding an apology Boyfriend : But he would have no idea...