The Twilight Rant

Okay, so this is going to be a relatively long post and one that is probably going to result in me being insulted to fucking hell but it needs to be said. This is not a traditional Twilight rant, I'm not just going to focus on why Twilight is the worst thing to ever exist ever but also some other aspects of the widespread hatred for this series. Bear with me.

Disclaimer: Twilight is my guilty pleasure. There I said it. I'm not a "twihard" or a huge fan but I did read the books a few times, I've seen the movies...a few times. I know it's bad, flawed, silly, whatever you want to call it. It isn't literary genius, it's mindless silly romance that I can't help but like.  So here it goes...

Problem one I have is simply this, people get on Twilight's case for certain...aspects of the vampires but the thing is not all of these aspects were created by Stephanie Meyer. For example I recently saw a review that complained about the Twilight vampires having super speed, the problem obviously being that vampires having super human speed has been used before, many times in fact.

Now before you go and type "the vampires sparkle!" and get on my case for not ranting about how stupid and silly that is let me say simply this, a vampire is a mythical creature and being such is subject to be created how the storyteller sees them. Yes the sparkling is kind of silly but it's still a mythical creature. I don't agree with the choice to make them sparkle, but I do accept that a vampire isn't real, there is no exact vampire formula.

Okay, as promised heres the flaws I see with Twilight. Bella is a horrible rolemodel. Her boyfriend leaves so she tries to kill herself to see...uh...imaginary friend Edward! There is never really any huge conflict in these books or anything at stake, part of Harry Potter's charm to me was that there was always something large at stake for the characters, always a huge conflict. Bella is horrible. I know I said that already but it needs to be said twice. The characters don't feel real, the situations feel extremely contrived. What are the odds that so many vampires want this poor girl dead? Well...if the girl is as horrible as Bella I can understand it...I digress.

One last thing I want to touch on. Here it goes, a few times now my distaste for 50 Shades Of Grey has been met with seething anger that I hate something I've never read. However, almost without fail the people that rage at me for distaste in a book I've never read hate Twilight without seeing or reading it for themselves. It's ironic and rather annoying.

I know this was long winded but my writers block dissolved in a big way. Here's hoping to future posts with more substance.


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