Unmotivated Laziness.

Let me start by saying this, for those of you out there that think I'm lucky for having nothing to do all day, I'm really not. You see I'm a person that relies on daily tasks to keep my brain functioning and without any reason to really even get up in the morning I turn into one giant mess of self-destruction. By this I mean that I slowly turn more and more unmotivated.

My days go something like this:

11am- Wake up
12pm- Play on computer
5pm- Realize all I've done is played on my computer so start job hunting
5:30pm- Find no leads online for any work so give up
6pm- get food
7pm-12am- Play on computer
1am- Give up and sleep.

It is the most unbelievably boring thing ever. Seriously imagine that for a few months. Before you go getting all "Apply for work" on me let me clear something up, there isn't anywhere hiring in town that doesn't yet have at least 2 resumes from me and the few that dont have resumes are the ones I can't work at due to lack of college or lack of drivers license or lack or experience or the fact that I live in the one place where it's for some reason okay to discriminate by race.

All that aside a few good things have come from this. I am now pretty much insane and am slowly becoming more and more ADD. No seriously, I actually stop speaking to yell squirrel if I see one. And I've began to get more inspiration to post more so hopefully you'll see some more updates popping up sooner or later....if I get around to it...

Oh! Side note time, I love these! Please click ads, I get money if you do (not much but hey it's money!) and it does truly help me.

Side note two! You may have noticed a post a few days ago about an awkward moment month idea, unfortunately I realized that keeping that going would be to much to process at the moment as things are getting more hectic with moving and family and plans to get more schooling so my apologies.

Stay tuned for more posts in the near future! =D.


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