
It seems I have a certain cycle when it comes to computers. Without fail, everytime I have a computer I find myself in this same cycle.

Step 1:

Realize I spend almost every waking moment on this thing doing nothing important.

Step 2:

Open laptop, go on internet for five minutes, decide there's nothing to do on computers, proceed to turn it off and ignore it for the rest of the day. Convince myself that once this computer breaks I won't get a new one, after all I can never find anything to do on it anyway, right?

Step 3:

Computer breaks, initiate freak out mode "Whatdoido?! whatdoido?!". Proceed to get frustrated and preform major computer heart surgery, screwdriver stat!

Step 4:

Get computer fixed and start from step one.

This happened this week, in fact. I had stupidly left my laptop on a bed and came back an hour later to find it completely frozen. I tried to reformat it...twice before realizing the harddrive failed...again. I got a new laptop, fixed it up and then proceeded to wonder why exactly I use these things in the first place.


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