My Most Embarrassing Memory

In writing class we were asked to share our most embarrassing story ever. We sat in groups and told these stories to each other. I, however, am not easily embarrassed. In fact in these groups I had a hard time choosing anything that embarrassed me in the past. I sat in silence thinking back to everything I could ever remember happening to me and came up with nothing at all.

Today I was sitting with my boyfriend and I suddenly had an "Aha!" moment and decided to share it with all my readers, Ladies and Gentlemen,  my most embarrassing story:

I must have been about five years old and mom decided to have a party. I was social at the time and thought "Hey cool a party! Count me in!" My mom had a different train of thought though and sent me straight to bed. 

Well I was quite furious and stormed off into my room. Mom entertained our guests and completely forgot I was in my room. After about ten minutes I came out of my room to the living room claiming someone had called my name. Mom said no one had and sent me back to bed. I didn't like this much so I slammed the door and stomped my little feet back to my room.  

Ten minutes later I came out again and, again, claimed someone had called my name. Mom again said no one had and promptly sent me back to bed. My anger rose inside of me but I followed her order and returned to my room. 

This happened twice more. On the last time my anger finally exploded and I slammed the door with impressive force. Then I reopened it, lifted my nightgown, and mooned everyone in the room before slamming the door and storming off once again. 

How I forgot this story is a mystery. At the time I must have thought I was a genius for doing something so brave. However, looking back I realize that was actually quite embarrassing. In fact the next day I was embarrassed over the whole ordeal and vowed to block it from memory. My mom had a different plan though and constantly reminds me of that night. So it was never completely forgotten much to my dismay.

Well there you have it folks, my most embarrassing story. Keep in mind I was only five and will never do anything like that again. 

Me At Age 3 Being All Cute


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