Irrationality At It's Finest

So I haven't posted in a while and figured why not tell the story my sister will never let me forget.

Four years ago I was at my house and my little sister decided to stay the night. Seems normal enough. We did normal things for teenagers. You know, talking about boys, reading magazines, talking to people on msn...the usual teenager stuff.

Being bored after about 3 hours of doing nothing particularly note worthy we decided to take some ugly posters off my wall and draw on them.

Here's where things became noteworthy. My mom and her boyfriend were out so it didn't matter if we talked loudly or anything which is good considering what follows. I saw a perfect old poster of all the friends characters and decided "Hey why not take that one?"

I held onto the poster and pulled it away quickly only to have a baby moth attack my face. I screamed in horror, threw the poster to the ground and ran as fast as I could toward the living room. Crying as I ran. About two minutes later my sister came into view still laughing hysterically at my reaction to little flying doom machine.

Lookit The Creepy Little Bugger!

Yup. That's one of few things that can send me into a panic within seconds. 

Well a few years later we moved away and the whole moth incident was pretty much forgotten unless my sister decided to take a trip down memory lane. Well on one particular day we decided to clean out my room and eventually found something that looked like a piece of masking tape. Seems innocent enough right? Wrong. 

I picked up the "masking tape" and examined it closely being curious as to where it came from. I put it close to my face and looked carefully at it and-wait a minute! Tape doesn't have wings and feet! Yep that's right...I found a dead moth and held it to my face. Well needless to say I panicked and threw the little bugger at the floor before screaming at the top of my lungs and crying. My older sister came running and saw me curled in a ball and my little sister on the floor beside me laughing to hard to explain what happened. 

Well there you have it. Proof that I am completely and totally 100% irrational when it comes to fears. I mean if you think about it what could a moth really do when it's dead? 


  1. I would react just the same if I found a dead spider in my room.

  2. XD. It's still quite irrational. I mean at least a spider COULD have poison.

  3. But we both know that's not the reason why girls are afraid of spiders.


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