
Have you ever noticed that people get obsessed with the weirdest things? I mean if it's a disorder like OCD i'm more sympathetic, but some obsessions are kinda insane.

For example, what's with people and hockey?! -insert some stereotypical Canadian jokes here-. Today for example the Canucks lost a game and everyone acted like the world is ending. It may be just my lack of interest in the sport but it is really that bad if we lose a few games? I mean sure it's fun to watch but it's just a game right? So what's the big deal? 

This was something I experienced on easter. We lost a game and suddenly every problem was as big as the sky falling. Sorry chicken little, that wasn't the sky falling, it was a game being lost. 

When I watched hockey today I was really quite stupid sounding. "Goalies have backups? Does the backup have a backup?" "Are the hockey games live?" "Why are they violent? Can't they just all be friends?" I even sung the whole ♪Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?♪ thing. It was an attempt at comedy but really it just angered the fans in the room. 

Call it unpatriotic or whatever but I honestly do not care much for the sport. I like knowing if we won but out of more of a curiosity than actual feeling. 

Not that im insulting the crazed fans or anything, I mean I'm really quite impressed by the level of dedication people can put into a sport. If only that same feeling could be put into important life matters like world peace!

I suppose it's really just a comfort. Something to look forward to, a sort of light amidst the dark. For all you fans out there, I hope you continue your completely insane admiration of the sport for the pure happiness it brings you, though when the team you support loses please don't take it out on us "nonbelievers" kay?  


  1. Oh my god, I don't like the fans. Hockey fans seem to look to thw sport as a religion, with their team posing as god! It's bloody creepy!

  2. OI! Hockey fan here... I do admit most of us are crazy idiots. However, more than likely, it's the bandwagoners trying to show they're true fans when the true fans are sometimes the most relaxed about it.

  3. You know, I'm pretty sure it's not mostly bandwagoners. If less than fifty percent of our population were hockey fans, then they'd be the minority, and people wouldn't fake trying to be like them to fit in.

  4. Also, my parents are hockey fans too, and I wish they weren't.


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