
So it's that time again, time for some long overdue updates on my life and the status of my blog. Updates come first, as usual.

First and most excitingly, I moved out of my mom's house and into my own house with my bestfriend, a cute little basement suite with a tiny kitchen that is permamessy.

Second, me and boyfriend broke up about two months ago, but that's okay because this leads into the third update, I have a new boyfriend.

Now for the blog status, after a temporary halt in the publishing of Non-Mainstream, I am pleased to announce that it will be back either this week or next. On it's own website! Go to The Hipster Bible to check it out, new post this monday or next.

The temporary hiatus on this site is broken and I shall try to post more frequently for those of you lovely people that still read what I have to say. After a short period of feeling blue and spacey I have found the source of that and am now able to overcome it and be my awkwardly charming and witty self. Stay tuned for more posts soon!


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