15 Random Facts Part 2! =3

More random facts about me =D. If you haven't read part one click here =3

1. I'm allergic to lemons

2. Glee is another guilty pleasure of mine...

3. Im a bookworm.

4. I am one of the hardest people to understand because usually my brain is so chaotic that even I don't know what I'm thinking and asking me what I'm thinking will just make me think about what I'm thinking and then I start thinking about how I'm thinking about what I'm thinking just to give an answer to the simple question "What are you thinking?"

5. I lack focus

6. I'm incredibly irrational when it comes to certain things.

7. I one day want to own a zoo. I want to be an author that owns a zoo.

8. I need cute things to live. No seriously. If there isn't something distractingly cute near me I usually get really sad and question the purpose of a life void of cuteness and the world becomes a really dark and scary place and I kinda feel like Snow White walking through that scary evil forrest all alone because there's nothing cute to keep me anchored.

9. I'm over dramatic....

10. I ramble a lot when I don't know what to say or when things are quiet simply to fill the silence.

11. I have a ridiculous imagination

12. I'm to young to be this old.

13. I have a tendancy to say really offensive things without realizing that I'm being offensive or saying anything wrong until someone says "Hey Ally....you can't say that. Why would you say that?"

14. This goes hand in hand with number 13, I'm almost completely oblivious to the world around and live in a blissful self taught nativity.

15. I can't handle Tylenol. Tylenol makes me loopy which makes me make less sense than usual. Can the world really handle me making less sense than I usually do?


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