
Showing posts from April, 2011

Harry Potter

I was 7 when I read the first Harry Potter book. To this day I read the books over and over. I know stupid amounts of useless facts regarding characters and have, at times, immersed myself completely in the story. When I was little I found him to be the coolest person ever and often tried to be him. Me and my bestfriend would pretend to be Harry Potter characters. We played these games in the hall closet, what better place to be Harry than a confined and cramped closet. Any parent of normal children probably would have instantly objected to such a location but my mom had accepted that I was odd. I went as far as to sleep in a laundry basket to be in a small space as Harry was, pretending I was in the cupboard under the stairs. I remember the first night I did that. Mom was getting home with her boyfriend and me and my sister were in our room "fast asleep". They were arguing and came to check in on us upon seeing me, shut up and stared wide eyed at me laying there. My be...


Have you ever noticed that people get obsessed with the weirdest things? I mean if it's a disorder like OCD i'm more sympathetic, but some obsessions are kinda insane. For example, what's with people and hockey?! -insert some stereotypical Canadian jokes here-. Today for example the Canucks lost a game and everyone acted like the world is ending. It may be just my lack of interest in the sport but it is really that bad if we lose a few games? I mean sure it's fun to watch but it's just a game right? So what's the big deal?  This was something I experienced on easter. We lost a game and suddenly every problem was as big as the sky falling. Sorry chicken little, that wasn't the sky falling, it was a game being lost.  When I watched hockey today I was really quite stupid sounding. "Goalies have backups? Does the backup have a backup?" "Are the hockey games live?" "Why are they violent? Can't they just all be friends?" I even...

My Most Embarrassing Memory

In writing class we were asked to share our most embarrassing story ever. We sat in groups and told these stories to each other. I, however, am not easily embarrassed. In fact in these groups I had a hard time choosing anything that embarrassed me in the past. I sat in silence thinking back to everything I could ever remember happening to me and came up with nothing at all. Today I was sitting with my boyfriend and I suddenly had an "Aha!" moment and decided to share it with all my readers, Ladies and Gentlemen,  my most embarrassing story: I must have been about five years old and mom decided to have a party. I was social at the time and thought "Hey cool a party! Count me in!" My mom had a different train of thought though and sent me straight to bed.  Well I was quite furious and stormed off into my room. Mom entertained our guests and completely forgot I was in my room. After about ten minutes I came out of my room to the living room claiming someone had cal...


I am now completely, 100%, nocturnal. It's actually reached the point of not being able to sleep until 3am. Which makes me wonder, why is no one up that late?! The night is so peaceful! I may be afraid of the dark, but the night is so serene. It's quiet and calm. What's better than a night at home? A night in paradise. Paradise, the completely overused and cliche name for the state of Hawaii. While I hated the heat and the crew members on the cruise, the nights in Hawaii were almost magical. It almost felt like no matter how bad the day the night would always cheer you up. There was nothing easy to hate about Hawaii. The beaches are beautiful, the people are kind, and the culture is so rich and amazing. Being the stay at home type of person I am it was almost refreshing to walk out to the beach. The sunset cured all my fears and worries. Would I make it home safely? Would I have fun? How's my family doing? The Hawaiian sunset has a fairytale quality, it healed a...


When I was little my mom used to force her movie and music tastes on me to try and teach me good taste at a young age. Generally her tastes were completely different from mine. Even when I was little I knew that I wanted to be my own person and not her. I pretty much went out of my way to be different than her. She liked girl clothes? Well ha! I dressed like a boy! This trend continued with neither of us backing down, we're both really stubborn. She was determined to teach me good taste and I was determined to be different. Normal was much to over rated. This kept going until one day when she wanted to have a movie day with me to bond and she put on Labyrinth. For those who don't know Labyrinth is a Jim Henson movie featuring Jenifer Connelly and David Bowie. It's a musical with creepy little puppets and David Bowie wearing pants that are way to tight. Aren't they cute and not at all creepy? Those pants can't be comfortable. I was instantly entranced. I...

My Baby

So a year ago I got a pet bunny. I begged my mom for almost a year to buy her and promised the best things I could as a way to bribe her into spending the 10 $ to get a small little bunny. After a few months she finally gave in, I assume I just annoyed her into saying yes ^^;. We drove to the pet store and bought a little metal cage, some sawdust, and some food then eagerly drove to the Tim Hortons to meet the lady that was selling her to us. I was practically bouncing as I waited impatiently for my little bundle of joy to be delivered. We set her up and welcomed her to her new home and played with her. We quickly learned that bunnies are quite shy and don't like it when strange people play "Pass the little bundle of cute." We also quickly learned that little bunnies can't walk on hardwood floors. I write this post as a happy birthday to her. She quickly became my bestfriend. While I expected bunnies to be simple to take care of, she's actually quite the ...

Irrationality At It's Finest

So I haven't posted in a while and figured why not tell the story my sister will never let me forget. Four years ago I was at my house and my little sister decided to stay the night. Seems normal enough. We did normal things for teenagers. You know, talking about boys, reading magazines, talking to people on msn...the usual teenager stuff. Being bored after about 3 hours of doing nothing particularly note worthy we decided to take some ugly posters off my wall and draw on them. Here's where things became noteworthy. My mom and her boyfriend were out so it didn't matter if we talked loudly or anything which is good considering what follows. I saw a perfect old poster of all the friends characters and decided "Hey why not take that one?" I held onto the poster and pulled it away quickly only to have a baby moth attack my face. I screamed in horror, threw the poster to the ground and ran as fast as I could toward the living room. Crying as I ran. About two mi...

My Problem With Ewan McGregor.

You know how sometimes you'll see someone looking a certain a way and from then on all you can see in them is that ONE appearance? Well there lies my problem. Growing up I watched a lot of Star Wars with my dad. Well Obi Wan Kenobi was one of my all time favorite characters. As I grew up I grew out of the Star wars phase and into more musical type interests from playing piano to singing and watching a ton of cheesy musicals. One day my sister decided to show me Moulin Rouge which happens to have Ewan Mcgregor, the same actor as the new Obi Wan. Well when I found out they are the same actor, my mental image of him changed to a completely distorted Obi Wan singing into a light saber. Quite silly if I do say so myself. Well a little a while ago dad decided to rent Men Who Stare At Goats and who else would be in it but Ewan McGregor, the sexy man from two amazing movies with an already distorted image in my poor little minds eye. After the movie I decided to bring up my mental image ...