Holy Feathers Batman

It's currently 7:41am where I am and I haven't slept yet. I've been up all night and my body is exhausted but it's decided that self sabotage last night was a great plan and to just not sleep. Why not sleep now that you're sure that you'll pass out as soon as your head hits the pillow? Because I have a doctors appointment at 9:40am and seriously what's the point in less than 2 hours of sleep?

So like any good blogger I'm going to document my day, when I can, for you lovelies. Because you're all awesome and I love you <3.

Currently I am really flapping hyper and jittery and wide awake and sleepy and jesusfuckingchristbrainslowthefuckdown. Baby is asleep, husband is asleep and I just had a bath with pure cold water because my landlords are normal humans and they're waking up for work and used it all.

So I'm fucking cold and my hair is drippy and this coffee is probably twice as strong as I'm supposed to make it so let's start this gosh darn day!


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