
Lately my sleep has been cursed with horrifying nightmares. They happen more often then they should and since the hospital scare I've been quite uneasy and restless, scared I'll die any moment and lose my son and husband.

So I thought I'd share my most recent nightmare with you all because it left me in hysterics.

It started with me and husband in a town, running from something of unknown origin. I had no idea where we were headed or why all I knew was something was after me. We reached a house and asked for shelter as it was night and cold and they let us in. 

My bestfriend showed up shortly after and told us of a festival they had downtown so we set off for that to take our mind off whatever had running. Once we arrived I realized I had left something back at the house so I made my way there on horse back, weirdly enough.

I made my way up the hill and saw a little girl dressed in white with light pink hair standing there talking to herself and as I got closer another figure started to show up. The same little girl but with a black dress, purple hair, and a deeper voice. 

It dawned that this was what I was running from so I sped up to the house and heard the  deeper voice counting down "10 9 8 7 6 5 4..." 

I moved faster and faster, got to the house, ripped open the door as she counted down. I got in the house and she was there. She smiled at me and said "1, times up". Then the house burst into flames. 

I know it sounds silly but I promise you guys it was really scary. I blame Silent Hill Revelations.It's oddly reminiscent of the dream Heather has about Alessa. Seriously me, no more scary movies. I don't care how beautiful the actors are.


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