Moving Sucks When You're Murphy's Law Personified

It all started with an Elvis cup. Okay not really but I wish that was the beginning, in truth that's about the half-way mark. It actually all started with dust. Lots and lots of dust.

Husband and I were getting ready for a move closer to my family doctor and well family for more support and all that jazz. .We spent a week doing nothing but packing We spent a week preparing for the move We spent two days of the two weeks we knew about the move actually packing and the rest pretending to pack while in reality I was procrastinating. It's an illness, I can't help it.

My room was a mess. Imagine a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami all hit at once and that was our bedroom. Our entire floor was coated in a carpet made out of dirty laundry. Like I said, I procrastinate...a lot.

The packing stirred the dust and I inhaled it causing me to choke and be hit with a sudden sharp and immobilizing pain near to where I assume the baby is located. I assumed it was nothing and continued to pack.

The next day was moving day and husband spent the whole morning packing while I laid in bed and swore to him that I couldn't move right and it really hurt. As previously mentioned, I procrastinate which he assumed was the current cause for my lack of help.

We moved in the pouring rain without a tarp for our bed causing it to be soaked. We went shopping and I got Elvis mugs, we got to new house, I sat on the ground, and then I was stuck. The pain crippled me. it didn't matter how I moved the pain was too much to stand and at this point I realized it really was something to worry about.

We called the nurses hotline and were told to get to the hospital immediately because seriously guys this could be something fatal. So away we went.

Five hours in the waiting room and I was finally in the doctor's office. He felt around and said "Well the good news is it will go away on it's own. The bad news is you may have herniated your bladder...and your abdominal wall feels really stretched out, maybe ripped. Just rest it will go away."

It's been a week and I am pleased to say it's betterish now but today I was called by the hospital and told "Remember how we told you this was totally harmless and not something to worry about? Well we assumed you weren't actually sick and just got around to checking your urine sample. So you have a potentially really harmful bacteria in your urine check in with your family doctor kaythanksbai"

I'll update you all later. Good news is baby is fine =D. I'll keep all you lovelies posted as I learn stuff. 


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