
Happy Halloween to all my bootiful readers! =D. I hope you all enjoyed your "Day of the Dead" festivities. It's the best day of the year in my opinion, it's the one day of the year where it's appropriate to scare little kids and potentially scar them for life, hopefully not to the latter.

Today I did just that. I put on some face paint and some cute clothes and sat on a bench just glancing at people passing by. It did the trick.

Now to the more pressing matter at hand, firecrackers. I'm all for lighting off the occasional firecracker in celebration but currently it sounds like World War 3 is going on outside my house. Seriously, shrapnel hit the windows.

Do that all you want but remember to be safe and consider of the people around. That's all I'm asking.

How did you guys spend your Halloween? Leave a comment and let me know!


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