
Okay so here it goes, the whole truth on what I'm feeling. 

Lately my life has kinda come to a complete stand still. The days run together like one long never ending day and I find myself trying to figure out how things are changing when everything feels like it's standing completely still. 

Gathering my thoughts is hard enough when it comes to talking let alone spilling my them into my blogs. For the first time in my entire life blank. Blank but racing. 

I'm confused and just generally lost. The world is spinning around me and I'm standing still, going nowhere. 

I don't know where this came from or how long it's going to last but I'll get over it. 

Thanks to all of you guys that read my posts, I really appreciate it. Feels like for once I'm talking and it's worth while. 

Okay ramble over. I'll post again soon, I hope. 


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