Just a short little ramble

Okay so this whole posting all the time is clearly not one of my strong points. As of late I've felt kind of lost, I don't know what to do or where to go half the time I don't even feel like I exist, just an empty shell floating around the world.

This is preventing me from constant updates. I feel to lost to write much of anything that makes sense and to be honest it's a little bit concerning to not know where your life is going, like a lost spirit searching for something to make it feel whole again.

Don't be concerned about the content of this post, I'm sure in due time this problem will be fixed but until then updates may be far between.

One more update, I'm still sick with whatever plague decided to live in my throat and I am still 100% unsure as to what it is.

Now to tide you all over until my next post here's a penguin in a tux:


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