Stream of Consciousness

Due to my constant neglect of posts I have decided to do another stream of consciousness. Ready? Here goes nothing.

I'm tired. That's not unusual for me though because I am seriously nocturnal I go to bed at 8am and wake up at like dinner time most of the that healthy? Probably not. It's only 11:30 and I want to sleep, why is that? Is my lack of sleep catching up with me? Probably...

It's boring doing nothing all day. I miss school...I mean learning sucks but at least I'd be doing something. Lack of doing shit is causing me to lack posting ideas which means you all go without posts.

I want to experiment and see if I can roundhouse kick a small tree down. Have you ever looked at a small tree and thought "Hey I could roundhouse kick that fucker down!" No...that's weird you say? Well screw you then! Okay fine...maybe you didn't say that...maybe I said that because I know I'm weird...

I'm also a manly space dolphin...I have 50 billion feet long biceps and I am weak to clowns..they're my kryptonite...if they eat me I'll die then I'm dead then I can't continue flying in space and where is the fun in that?

I'm drinking juice out of a peanut butter jar. Why? Because yes that's why.

Why are my thoughts so chaotic? Seriously I can think like 4 things at once and still have room for more. Unicorns. They poop rainbows.

Pickle is a fun word. I say it almost everyday. Saying pickle a day keeps the doctor away! Except I'm like permasick...maybe I need a new method of being healthy....Pickle pickle pickle pickle pickle. Nope still sick. Gosh darnit.

I like birds. They're so pointless. Owls are my favorite. Cute little owls that can rip my head off with their razor claws and sharp beaks. They're all like "I'M SO CUTE HOO HOO OMNOMNOM I EAT YOUR HEAD NOW"

Are you guys rethinking reading me now? I promise I'm not always this weird...okay I am....but life is more fun this way. With that I leave you all. Until I post again! *salutes*


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