An Adventure In Tylenol

So remember in this post when I said I can't handle Tylenol? Here's an example of this for everyone out there.

One night I had a cold and was staying at my grandma's house. My grandma, like all grandmothers, wanted me to be healthy and fed me two Gravol, two Tylenol nighttime pills, and another extra strength Tylenol for good measure.

In about a half hour I was loopy as all hell. I was sharing a room with my little brother at the time and he vividly remembers, as all little brothers do when their sisters do something embarrassing, everything I said and did that night. It all started when he farted.

I looked insane and I heard colors. Pretty sure.

Brother: *farts*
Me: Is your butt a trumpet?
Brother: Um?
Me: You should take that butt trumpet and start a marching band
Brother: No. A fartching band

That was followed by my friend telling me there was a purple unicorn named Bob beside me

Which was followed by me deciding that I wanted to be made of jello. There I laid, wrapped in my blankets and all cozy in bed, rolling back and forth making what I called "Jello noises".

A dramatic reenactment! =D
Every little sound sent me into a fit of giggles. I vaguely remember rolling over at one point and feeling like I was falling off a cliff due to the slight slant of the bed at grandma's house, though I don't remember screaming when it happened...apparently gave brother a heart attack.

Yup..more reenactments. This is how it felt okay?!
I woke up with very little memory of the night and a strong feeling of regret. I instantly checked my phone and learned that I had texted a few people,not new boyfriend gods be praised, in this tylenol induced high and told them various strange things, for example, that I am Jello. Thankfully I had the sense in this state to tell people that I was on copious amounts of medicine and wasn't making sense.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't give me any form of medicine.


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