The Sucky Miracle Of Pregnancy

A few months ago I had it in my head that I would become the most amazing blogger ever, that I would share my every aspect of growing a baby and post weekly. This has been proven false. I had it in my head that pregnancy would be easy. That I would be one of those cute happy pregnant ladies that every mother tells you about. That it would be this great experience and I would glow and infect people in my over-elated baby growing state.

The truth of the matter is pregnancy sucks. It has it's up points, don't get me wrong, but in general this shit sucks.

The baby is heavy and throws off your balance, everything takes on a new scent, being comfortable is a luxury that now lasts about .5 seconds before baby finds a new way to move to throw that off, back pains, stomach pains, constant hunger, sore feet, a plethora of complications that are both rare and scary....And yet I find myself not able to regret a thing.

Hearing about how horrible everything is makes me think "Why go through it?" Well it's simple. When you get pregnant all that matters is the safety of the baby. The sore back, long painful labor, 9 months of discomfort, all pale in comparison to this person.

It's odd, unnerving, beautiful, miraculous, and special. This pregnancy has been met with a billion complications ranging from ripped muscles to severely low iron. It's caused me to go into what the paramedics could only assume was labor 12 weeks early and made me so dizzy that standing for 5 minutes becomes a chore.

Sure I wish it was easier, that I could be like a girl in a tampon commercial frolicking through fields and hugging kittens, my skin glowing like some heavenly creature inhabits my body. But in the end all of this is worth it. I would rather endure all this suffering and get to hold my son in my arms than be comfortable and tampon commercial worthy with no baby to speak of.


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