
My current emotional state can be summed up in one guttural noise, think Kristen Stewart in Twilight. Just a blank zombie expression and a guttural cave man noise. Nice to meet you, I'm Uuug.

Okay in all seriousness I'm back for the most part. Not posting every week back, but back nonetheless.

As a welcome back I think I should dive right into a popular creature that we all love, zombies. They're mindless human eating machines that think brains are quite tasty thank you very much. Lately I've found myself more or less obsessed with the whole "zombie" genre.

Zombie games, movies, books, pictures, mythology, it all fascinates and terrifies me. What would I do in a zombie apocalypse? Would I survive? Would I just end myself before I got torn to shreds by teeth and nails?

The conclusion I reached is simple, I would try to survive and if that failed I'd keep a spare bit of ammo in case I swarmed with no hope of living. Morbid right?

Good moving on. The other plan of attack is to simply run off to a theater and sing Les Miserables music at the top of my lungs until my untimely and not at all called for death. Do you hear the people sing? That's not singing, that's zombies coming to nom your head. 

Om nom.


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