Ramblings and News for you lovelies

Being a grown up sucks. As a child all we hope for is to grow up and live on our own, out of school, no parents, eating what we want when we want it. Cookies for dinner? Hell yes I want cookies for dinner. And yet here I am, a complete grown up, and I yearn for the naive innocence of child hood.

I find myself wishing I could live in Neverland and, like Peter Pan, never grow up. Live a child for all eternity, no bills, no groceries, stress free.

Over the years of being grown up and posting here about my daily life I've noticed that I've grown strange. Less insightful, a pretentious anti-hipster hipster somethingorother writing my nonsense to no one in particular.

All I wanted was to be heard and here I am, being listened to by people. To those of you reading this I thank you.

Anyway, the more pressing matter here is that I will soon be posting once a week in a series called "You don't know the half of it". This series will be dedicated to telling the stories that have happened to me in my life that are hard to believe but very true. Stay tuned.


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