Stream of Consciousness
Due to my constant neglect of posts I have decided to do another stream of consciousness. Ready? Here goes nothing. I'm tired. That's not unusual for me though because I am seriously nocturnal I go to bed at 8am and wake up at like dinner time most of the that healthy? Probably not. It's only 11:30 and I want to sleep, why is that? Is my lack of sleep catching up with me? Probably... It's boring doing nothing all day. I miss school...I mean learning sucks but at least I'd be doing something. Lack of doing shit is causing me to lack posting ideas which means you all go without posts. I want to experiment and see if I can roundhouse kick a small tree down. Have you ever looked at a small tree and thought "Hey I could roundhouse kick that fucker down!" No...that's weird you say? Well screw you then! Okay fine...maybe you didn't say that...maybe I said that because I know I'm weird... I'm also a manly space dolphin....