Why Can't I Sleep?

It's currently 4:51am and I am not tired. Good thing its spring break right? Unfortunately I happen to have somehow turned nocturnal so this isn't even unusual. You'd think after such a boring day I'd want to sleep just to do something right? Unfortunately not. Today was a grand adventure of epic proportions! A super exciting day worthy to be put in every comic book ever!

I woke up to my mom waving a 20$ bill in face saying "I'm going to the States, here's some money for dinner. Have a good day!" Being dazed and well a little confused I looked at the clock, 10 am. Ew. What kind of time is that to wake a person up?! Oh right....normal person time. I rolled over and instantly tried to fall back asleep. After about an hour of no luck there I woke up my boyfriend complaining that I was bored.

A half hour later I decided "Hey, lets play sims!" So play sims I did. For 2 hours. Then I accidentally quit without saving! It was like any sim lovers worst nightmare! So I gave up there.

Being bored I decided to watch pokemon. However, I was greeted by a very unhappy site indeed! Jesse and James being nice to Ash?! This was pure blasphemy. What is with new pokemon?! And where is Misty?! 
Pokemon as I remember it.

 Getting bored again I realized that I could nap! I mean I've been awake since the unholy hour of 10 right? So nap I did. Then I woke up for more pokemon (still the mistyless new stuff) and sims!

Yes what grand adventure. Getting bored of both I decided to watch Labyrinth. Why hadn't this crossed my mind earlier? Sexy David Bowie wearing stupidly tight pants while dancing and singing, yes please! I mean, could it get any better? I was living the dream of any lazy nerdy Bowie loving teenager!

I marveled at his tight pants and oh so heavenly voice as he swept her away into his magical little world and felt nothing but complete Bowie loving happiness!
Isn't He yummy? ^^

Yes, I get Bowie highs what of it? Once that was done I was again bored so guess what I did? Something productive like homework! Haha just kidding. I went to Facebook to cure this cloud of boredom.

No luck on facebook. Is there ever? So I decided to get a new Labyrinth themed wallpaper. Seems fitting yes?

In any case after all that you'd think i'd have resigned to sleeping right? Nope. It's now 5:05am and I still lack sleep. How was that for an exciting day? I never said It was worthy of a good comic book...


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm feeling the nocturnal insomnia vibe. Not cool.

    And Pokemon has become less and less creative. It is a sad day for us all.

  2. I know! I miss the old pokemon. I'm downloading.


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