Notes To The Hospital
Just a quick note before I begin, I was admitted into hospital and after various tests was told I had a potentially life threatening condition called pancreatitis. I was admitted into the hospital for four days and sent home begrudgingly until I have surgery to get my gallbladder out. These are my notes to the staff, patients, and general people at the hospital while I was there. Dear Nurses, Last time I checked giving a patient morphine that wasn't doctor ordered or asked for by a patient while they're asleep no less isn't legal. You should probably not do that to anyone else. Dear Family Doctor, Thank you for taking the time to make social visits to be sure I was okay. That was sweet and really out of character. Stay awesome. Dear Elderly Woman in the chair across from me in Emergency, Thank you for making me a little less lonely while I was there alone. It was nice to have someone to talk to and you were really sweet. Dear Hospital Staff, Thanks for the delux...