Story =D
I recently found an old writing journal and thought "Why don't I share some of my writing on my blog?" So what I'll do is with every story I'll start it with the topic and then follow up with the story itself. " A preteen scientific genius invents a device that allows him to control the minds of adults" ' How did I get this to work? I wonder how I can use it. I stare at the device in my hands, turning it over. My parents stood completely still in front of me. Completely under my control. "Dance," I ordered. To my surprise, they did. I can have whatever I want! With this device I'll never be in trouble! "Get me a cookie," I ordered confidently. Away they went, giving me what I want. Brilliant. I can be an eleven year old king if I want! I have to test this with other people. Start small then get bigger, better things, I have to remember that. Running, I finally reach the corner store and, device in hand, order that I get fr...