30 Days Of Gaming Via Blog
Alright so I'm lazy, and I'm going to do the ever popular 30 days of gaming via my blog all in one go. This is easier as it requires one reaaallyyy long looking post and no chance of me forgetting to post everyday. So this is really "A list of 30 game type things made by me for your enjoyment" so, you know, enjoy! Day 1 - Very First Video Game Like A lot of 90's kids Super Mario World was proly my first video game ever played Day 2 - Favorite Character Vincent Valentine! Day 3 - A Game That Is Underrated Despite it's super craptastic reviews I actually adore this game. Day 4 - Your Guilty Pleasure Game Horrible in every possible aspect but I still play it Day 5 - Game Character You Feel Most Like (Or Wish You Were) Aigis Persona 3 This falls under "Wish I am", Who wouldn't want to be a robot with gun hands?! Day 6 - Most Annoying Character Ken Persona 3 - He seriously rubs me the wrong way. Stupid Ken. Day 7 - Favo...