
Showing posts from July, 2011

30 Days Of Gaming Via Blog

Alright so I'm lazy, and I'm going to do the ever popular 30 days of gaming via my blog all in one go. This is easier as it requires one reaaallyyy long looking post and no chance of me forgetting to post everyday. So this is really "A list of 30 game type things made by me for your enjoyment" so, you know, enjoy! Day 1 - Very First Video Game Like A lot of 90's kids Super Mario World was proly my first   video game ever played  Day 2 - Favorite Character Vincent Valentine!  Day 3 - A Game That Is Underrated  Despite it's super craptastic reviews I actually adore this game. Day 4 - Your Guilty Pleasure Game Horrible in every possible aspect but I still play it Day 5 - Game Character You Feel Most Like (Or Wish You Were) Aigis Persona 3 This falls under "Wish I am", Who wouldn't want to be a robot with gun hands?! Day 6 - Most Annoying Character Ken Persona 3 - He seriously rubs me the wrong way. Stupid Ken.  Day 7 - Favo...

Ear Infections Suck. This Story Makes Them Suck Less.

Okay so summer sucks thus far. Don't worry, I'll get over it...I may have to, you know, explode first but that's all good. It's 4:30 and I have two ear infections thus I refuse to sleep. Hey, double the fun right? At least I can attempt to find humor in my misery. I even decided to write a pleasant story to feel slightly okay, even bad, for the painful infection threatening to drive me to insanity. Here's my Story: Once upon a time there was a colony of little white monsters that needed a place to stay. After searching for what felt like forever they found a nice little cave to cozy up in. I'm A Bad Computer Drawer But This Is My Half Hearted Attempt At Illustrating The White Monster  Trouble hit when the white monsters found no food in the cave! They decided that, having nothing better to eat, they would eat the cave walls for some attempt at nutrition. What the little monsters didn't know was that the cave walls were actually a part of someone!  ...


Okay so I haven't written anything that's really present time based in awhile so here it is. Yay! It's 3:34am and I'm kinda sleepy but sleeping is rather boring so I'm sitting on the couch in a half coma watching youtube videos and slowly turning into mush. Yes! Awesomesauce. I have laryngitis (i think). I can't talk properly and I sound a little bit like a some weird super sonic manly goose type thinger. I originally blamed boyfriend for his cold but then we realized that I have something completely different. So I've graduated and I've applied for jobs (yay) and then I decided "Real clothes? Ha! I scoff at you" so I have been in my pjs for about a week. Not the same ones. That would smell horrible and quite frankly I'd sooner explode then wear the same clothes for that long. So I've been like epically annoyed lately and not in the mood to really have anyone near me. No, it's not pms. I hate when people assume that so yes I b...