
Showing posts from March, 2011

My Dream Job

Growing up every little child has a dream future. Girls want to be vets or princesses and boys want something exciting like super hero. I however was different. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a sailor scout. Yes that's right, I wanted to save the world along side Sailor Moon, protecting innocent people from the dangerous monsters while sporting a short skirt and talking cat friend. Being Sailor Mercury was always my dream. Who wants to be a princess when you can be saving everyone from the evil of the "Dark Kingdom". For christmas my sister, cousin, and I would open our sailor moon themed presents and wield them in our little hands excited to fend off the bad guys with our new found super powers. Other days we'd take our sailor moon stickers and promptly stick them on my dad's bass guitar. It is still covered in the same faded stickers depicting the all to familiar faces of what I once wanted to be. Why the trip down memory lane? I recently watched ...

My Reasons For Never Leaving My House.

Hawaii in 3 days! You'd think it would be exciting right? Nope. Not at all. I am an unusual nocturnal teenager that never works on a tan, I prefer my pasty skin. I mean who doesn't want to look like a ghost right? Plus there's the whole plane thing...I belong with my feet firmly  planted on land thanks. I don't leave my house. You could even go as far as to call me hermitish. But after months of drama the day is rapidly approaching. It all started when we realized I dont have a passport. This causes problems for flying no? So we filled out the forms, got id and thought "Cool we're on our way!" So after a particularly frustrating trip to the government office in town we learned that not only were the forms wrong, the id wouldn't suffice either. We got new forms filled them out and drove the hour to the out of town office. Guess what? Wrong id. Still. So we got new id and went back. Wrong again. Ugh. So we went to get me my learners license. Prob...

Why Can't I Sleep?

It's currently 4:51am and I am not tired. Good thing its spring break right? Unfortunately I happen to have somehow turned nocturnal so this isn't even unusual. You'd think after such a boring day I'd want to sleep just to do  something right? Unfortunately not. Today was a grand adventure of epic proportions! A super exciting day worthy to be put in every comic book ever! I woke up to my mom waving a 20$ bill in face saying "I'm going to the States, here's some money for dinner. Have a good day!" Being dazed and well a little confused I looked at the clock, 10 am. Ew. What kind of time is that to wake a person up?! Oh right....normal person time. I rolled over and instantly tried to fall back asleep. After about an hour of no luck there I woke up my boyfriend complaining that I was bored. A half hour later I decided "Hey, lets play sims!" So play sims I did. For 2 hours. Then I accidentally quit without saving! It was like any sim lovers...