
30 Days Of Harry Potter

  Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series Tie between Half Blood Prince or The Goblet of Fire.  Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series Order of the Phoenix too boring in my opinion but it's been years since I read it so maybe I'll like it now. Day 3 - Favorite Character All of them? Okay fine Luna or Gred and Forge. They're a package deal...were a package deal? Are?  Day 4 - Favorite Villain Voldemort. He's twisted but it's great.  Day 5 - Saddest Moment Battle of Hogwarts Day 6 - Favorite Professor Snape Snape Severus Snape... Day 7 - Least Favorite Professor Binns  Day 8 - Favorite Subject Potions. Duh.  Day 9 - Least Favorite Subject Divination  Day 10 - Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley Ollivander's because wands or Eeylops because owls.  Day 11 - Most Beautiful Character Luna. She's everything I hope to one day be. Day 12 - Most Missed Dead Cha...

The Hardest Post I'll Ever Write

It's been four months and it still hurts. Most days the feeling goes away or my day starts normal but it always goes to the same place, what if it didn't happen? How could I be so horrible? Why did I make this happen? It's that dark secret that no one talks about but a lot of people go through and I'm going to share my own story because I'm tired of silence. In June this year after a stressful move and a bout of depression so bad I was on medication I noticed something a little off. My period had been late for the first time since Jon was bored, I was tired, cranky, sick all the time, and most importantly my tummy was starting to look a little more round than usual. The test was negative and I shrugged it off and kept about my life. But the feeling that something wasn't right just wouldn't leave. Another negative test a week later and I decided it was time to see the doctor. Negative urine test but the doctor agreed, the symptoms were clear and we'd ...

Series of Updates

So to start off my being back I figured every week I can post an update because I was gone for like a year. It will be a series of the good, the bad, and the ugly. In between I can post my usual ramblings for you lovelies.

Explosion of Anger and Curse Words.

Just a warning for all of you, this post will contain a fair amount of cussing and anger. If that's not your cup of tea please turn back now.  It all started with a goddamn diaper genie. The source of my mother fucking problems is the size of a small child and exists to dispose of baby shit. What is this about you may ask? Welcome to Dandie's Story hour where I greet the world with a great big fuck you. It's been one hell of a week. It started last night when my son was up all night throwing up because teething, that's a thing, So we were up until roughly 8am before he fell asleep, not too bad right? Wrong. It was Mother's Day here, the corporate holiday that exists to make mom's feel like they're worth it, and my sister decided to ditch me and go to my mom's on her own making me look like a massive dick and her look great! Then the topping on the shit cake happened. There was a knock on the door so naturally fiance answered. The landlords decided...

Happy Holidays and various other ramblings

Happy Holidays to all you lovely people out there =D. Hope it was filled with lots of love and great food. It was baby's first christmas so naturally it was hectic as all hell. Figuring out where to go  and when and how long.  Second note of this post, because I can't really say much more on Christmas without going into a full on rant about babies and family and all that jazz, I am a terrible boss. Seriously. As many you probably don't know writing here is my current job and I am terrible at it. Not the writing part, my writing is good, I'm talking about the part of the job where I tell myself in an angry gruff voice "GET BACK TO WORK!"  The manly gruff voice DOES tell me to work but the easily distracted and procrastinator side is like "Work? NEVAR! =D"  Then months down the line between posts I really I have a thousand and one brainstormed ideas that I can write about but can't because now they're all scattered ...

Holy Feathers Batman Part 3!

So I crashed. Slept for a good 2? hours. Now I'm awake and so tired that my hair hurts. That's about all I have energy to type.

Holy Feather Batman Part 2

My heart feels like it's going to boom. The thump thump is thump thumping =D. Baby is up, husband is up. I'm making meat pies. Not Mrs Lovitt's meat pies. Dandie Lyon's meat pie emporium! =D. Who wants one? I had something REALLY worth reading to say, I think, but I sincerely forgot what it was. Probably that I'm not tired and I can see sounds. Yeah. That was most definitely probably it. I swear I've only had coffee. I look wonderful with no sleep. I'm rocking it. B-e-a-utiful <3. Husband says I need to lay off the coffee. Blasphemy, Also my brother said Harry Potter isn't real and that broke my heart and now I'm sad.