Today started out as one of those days. The days where nothing seems to be going right and no matter what you can't seem to turn the tables in your favor. The day started at three in the bloody morning, the weather outside had been sunny and cloud free...and hot fucking hot, so when I saw an eerie flashing outside of boyfriend's window I immediately thought there was a stalker or ax murdering rapist out to get me right outside his house. I panicked a bit then thought to myself "Ally, it was probably headlights now woman up damnit!" I continued to try and sleep when I saw it again, a sudden flash...only this time it was followed by a demonic growling. Now if you're overtired at three in the morning and you see a flash followed by a growl you'd probably be afraid too...maybe not. In any case after about a half hour I figured out it was worse than a demon ax murdering was thunder and lightning! I mean what the fuck weather? Sort your shit ...